Hospice Aide

Health Care Nurse Pharmaceutical

Job Description

Performs duties essential to personal care which are given to patients in their home.  Provides support services, under the supervision of the appropriate professional staff, to assist the client or family in the achievement of physical and emotional comfort according to physicians’ orders. Works with patients and their caregivers to assist them in assuming responsibilities toward self-care.

  • Performs duties as assigned by the Case Manager, Clinical Supervisor or Clinical Manager including:
    • obtaining temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiration
    • maintaining a clean, safe and healthy environment
    • bed, sponge, tub or shower bathing
    • shampooing in sink, tub or shower
    • caring for nails and skin
    • oral hygiene
    • assisting with toileting and elimination
  • Applies safety principles and proper body mechanics to the performance of specific techniques of personal and supportive care such as ambulation of clients, transferring clients, assisting with the normal range of motion and positioning.
  • Prepares and provides and/or assists with meals as assigned.
  • Performs light homemaking and other environmental services as assigned.
  • Observes, reports and documents any changes in patient status.
  • Understands basic elements of body functioning and reports changes in patient’s body functions as indicated.
  • Recognizes emergency situations and implements appropriate emergency procedures per care center policy.
  • Follows care center procedures regarding infection prevention and control, handling of hazardous waste, and safety measures.
  • Accurately documents care provided and submits notes and other required documents per care center policy.
  • Attends care center provided in-service programs to fulfill requirements of position and care center policies.
  • Follows specific written instructions for personal care in accordance with the Plan of Care.
  • Assists patient with prescribed exercises as instructed per nurse or therapist.
  • Supports and maintains a culture of safety and quality.
  • Works as part of an interdisciplinary team.


  • High school diploma or equivalent.
  • Six (6+) months full-time direct, patient care experience within the last five (5) years, in an institution or care center setting.
  • Meets federal/state requirements for this position. Per CMS regulations, a qualified home health aide is a person who has successfully completed:
    • (i) A training and competency evaluation program that meets CMS requirements 484.80 (b) and (c) respectively; or
    • (ii) A competency evaluation program that meets the requirements of 484.80 (c); or
    • (iii) A nurse aide training and competency evaluation program approved by the state as meeting the requirements of §483.151 through §483.154 and is currently listed in good standing on the state nurse aide registry; or 
    • (iv) The requirements of a state licensure program that meets the provisions of CMS 484.80 (b) and 484.80 (c).
  • Upon hire, HHAs will have received at least 75-hours of training, the content of which addresses all subjects listed at 484.80(b)(3). 484.80(b)(3) A home health aide training program must address each of the following subject areas:
    •     (i) Communication skills, including the ability to read, write, and verbally report clinical information to patients, representatives, and caregivers, as well as to other HHA staff.
    •    (ii) Observation, reporting, and documentation of patient status and the care or service furnished.
    •    (iii) Reading and recording temperature, pulse, and respiration.
    •    (iv) Basic infection prevention and control procedures.
    •    (v) Basic elements of body functioning and changes in body function that must be reported to an aide’s supervisor.
    •    (vi) Maintenance of a clean, safe, and healthy environment.
    •    (vii) Recognizing emergencies and the knowledge of instituting emergency procedures and their application.
    •    (viii) The physical, emotional, and developmental needs of and ways to work with the populations served by the HHA, including the need for respect for the patient, his or her privacy, and his or her property.
    • (ix) Appropriate and safe techniques in performing personal hygiene and grooming tasks that include—(A) Bed bath; (B) Sponge, tub, and shower bath; (C) Hair shampooing in sink, tub, and bed;(D) Nail and skin care; (E) Oral hygiene; (F) Toileting and elimination;
    • (x) Safe transfer techniques and ambulation;
    • (xi) Normal range of motion and positioning;
    • (xii) Adequate nutrition and fluid intake;
    • (xiii) Recognizing and reporting changes in skin condition; and
    • (xiv) Any other task that the HHA may choose to have an aide perform as permitted under state law.
  • Has not had a consecutive 24-month lapse in furnishing services for compensation; if so, the individual must complete another training and competency program before providing services.
  • Current CPR certification.


  • Current state certification (or registration) as a nurse assistant (and as per state certification/ registration requirements).
  • Minimum of one (1) year full-time direct, patient care experience within the last five (5) years, in an institution or agency setting.